För investerare

Nominating Committee


In accordance with the instructions for the Nomination Committee, adopted at the 2020 Annual General Meeting, the members of the company's Nomination Committee must be appointed by each of the three (3) largest shareholders in terms of votes, based on the share register as of the last bank day in September each year, and who wish to appoint a member. In addition, the Chairperson of the Board shall be a member of the Nomination Committee.

Due to a change in the company's ownership by way of a rights issue of shares in autumn of 2023, Aktiebolaget Fastator (publ) has refrained from appointing a member of the Nomination Committee and instead made their place available to Göran Welandson (with companies), that appointed a member of the Nomination Committee.

Major shareholders have announced the appointment of the following:

  • Yaron Zaltsman, appointed by Otre Fund LP (Yaron Zaltsman replaces the previous representative of Otre Fund LP, Dr. Eyal Gutman).
  • Krister Karlsson, appointed by Samhällsbyggnadsbolaget i Norden AB (publ).
  • Göran Larsson, appointed by Göran Welandson (with companies).
  • Tomas Lifvendahl, Chairman of the Board 

Shareholders who wish to submit a proposal to the Nomination Committee can send the proposal to the company’s IR contact, Rebecka Eidenert, ir@sbsstudent.se. Proposals will have to be received no later than January 31, 2024, to be processed by the Nomination Committee.

The current instruction for the Nomination Committee is available here.